Wednesday, May 28, 2008

2008 Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby!!

Okay, for the first time in three years Aaron and Zack have built a pinewood derby car that didn't come in LAST! (or at least not advancing to the finals) YIPEE!!! See the car below???? Of course it's a Pizza Slice, eh? I'm so proud of him and happy to see him win. It was his last pinewood derby because next year he will be in 11-year old scouts. Such a fun way to finish out Cubs!

Okay, check out that awesome uniform...It takes a good dose of humility and pride in your calling to wear this puppy - trust me.....

He had such a good time at the race. He came in 3rd place in all of the webelos (the 10year olds) and 2nd place in the championship rounds with all the boys ages 8-10. He got a couple of different medals for his shirt and I think he had a good feeling of accomplishment. Aaron and I were cheering like kids!

The other two boys in the final three were two of his best friends Nathan and Dylan. And, of course we all had to cap it off at good ol' Dairy Queen.
For those of you out there who don't know, Zack has struggled with emotional problems stemming from his ADD etc. He was so depressive this last fall/winter we didn't know what to do. He still tends to be somewhat of a negative kid, so winning this and seeing him genuinely smile really took a load of parental stress off of my shoulders. Too bad we all have to pass down such crappy genetic traits eh? So not funny! Anyway, he's a great kid, and I hope one day he grows into a happy, healthy, strong man. I sure love him enough to give it my best try!!


The Dillon 6 said...

I thought Zach's car was awesome! All the boys did a great job, and it was fun to be a part of it! can't wait for Malcolm to compete again next year!

Bennett Family said...

pizza...i love it! you're such a great mom. AND you look HOT in your scout shirt! :)

love ya.

Collings said...

Look how cute you look in your scout shirt :)