Thursday, July 24, 2008

Cool as a Cucumber

Okay, this was DURING dinner.... I asked him to PLEASE TRY and eat a vegetable for once.
He took them and layed on the floor and did this and said, "Ahhhhh..."
I laughed so hard and asked him where he learned that and he didn't answer. I am sure it's from the endless amounts of TV he watches. Maybe "Drake and Josh"? (one of his fav's)
I mean, why eat the veggies when you can wear them? ;)


Wendy said...

That's hilarious! What a sense of humor for such a young guy!

Ronda said...

That is so cute! Your kids HAVE to have a sense of humor with you and Aaron as parents! No wonder they are so funny! You guys all crack me up!!

The Dillon 6 said...

you've taken him to one to many spa treatments, lady! hiLARious!!

Bennett Family said...

i almost want to frame that picture and put it up in my house so i can look at it and laugh every day. he is so stinking hillarious and cute as a bug's ear!

i love your dark hair! you look like a babe as usual. as for me, i think i have decided that blonde's have more fun and i'm ready to go back (mostly b/c my roots are so blonde that they look grey when they grow in-ah for the LOVE!)

i miss you. call me.

heathre23 said...

Dang it Heidi, Ethan slays me dead. Seriously too funny for words!
Had fun at Sassy Mei!