I just want to express a Huge Happy Father's Day for my sweetheart Aaron!!
Also, For my Super Awesome Dad Dennis!!
Where would we be without Dads? Some may say we don't "need a man" to complete us.... I say, Guess what, I DO!
Thank you Dad for being there for me always, and Thank you Aaron for being my best friend.
I don't know what I did to deserve someone like Aaron, but he really is my perfect match in every way. We love to laugh, we both hate yard work, we love to travel, we love movies and music....etc. etc. (I could go on for a while...) We have pretty much grown up together and I cannot remember a time without him in my life!
We are just enough opposite to have some exciting differences too. I am probably making most of you want to barf, but I just am so greatful to him. I am greatful that he wanted to and joined the church, and greatful for his example of strength and selflessness. He always thinks of others before himself. And, I mean ALWAYS. What an example for me and the kids. He listens to me when I get obsessive and crazy, he makes me laugh when I'm grumpy and helps me with our kids all the time. Happy Father's day honey.....You deserve a great day!
As for my dad, I love you big guy! You are a smart, loving, hardworking firecracker of a man!
Thanks for successfully raising 5 fiesty daughters and beating cancer to still be here for us all! You are the best!
Sidenote: I am also blessed to have an AWESOMELY cool Step Father-in-law, and A SERIOUSLY wonderful Father-in-law too! Am I lucky or what??? Totally Spoiled...